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marxist view on family strengths and weaknesses

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Through a set of norms and roles accompanied by the existence of a shared culture which is shaped due to the members of a society, social order is therefore achieved. If you look at the Marxist theory, it considers society as a whole, which means that it acknowledges all the social forces involved, including the power interests of different groups. As the children of the rich grew into wealth, the children of the poor remained poor. It is also the institution through which the wealthy pass down their private property to their children, thus reproducing class inequality. This means that every person would be able to get access to the most important things he needs regardless of whatever he does, wherever he lives or how much he makes to provide a better living for those depending on him. Although Marxisms system of government is considered as communism, it places an emphasis on human rights, with its foundation encompassing equal gender roles, health care and access to education. The family is described as an ideological apparatus this means it socialises people to think in a way that justifies inequality and encourages people to accept the capitalist system as fair, natural and unchangeable. a spouse and children) that becomes a much more difficult decision. Eventually, the bourgeois started to look for ways of creating intergenerational wealth, rather than having it distributed among the masses of society. Radical Feminism It deals with racism, male hierarchy system etc. In Zaretsky's view, the family works in the interests of capitalism. Marxism is a structural conflict perspective in sociology. London: New Left. He argued that we went from an age of primitive communism to capitalism through the establishment of family norms such as private ownership and inheritance, and this was done through the oppression of women. Mass media and advertising campaigns help to feed this. Advantages and disadvantages of Marxist perspectives, The Marxist perspective on the family focuses on the nuclear family and ignores other. The conflict theory originated with German philosopher Karl Marx. Overall strengths. It is important to note that Marxist education implements one that is absolutely state- controlled, which means that it regards too much importance to the role of the state in education, which means that the methodology of teaching, curriculum construction and examination system would be determined by the state and it does not allow other agencies in educationlocal or regionalto have their say. well thanks info is quite simple but qualitative. Feminist theory aims to highlight the social problems and issues that are experienced by . Gender-blind/neutral approach: Radical Feminism admits that there are dissimilarities between men and women, and society should change to value those dissimilarities instead of devaluing the "feminine . Feminists argue that Marxists focus too much on social class inequalities whilst disregarding the role of the family in maintaining gender inequalities. Percussion instruments those that are tapped shaken or struck, include drums bells and xylophones. It is unlikely that overthrowing capitalism will remove patriarchy altogether. VAT reg no 816865400. However, Zaretsky believed that the family allowed the breadwinner man to feel in control and strong, which they did not feel at work due to the oppression of the bourgeoisie capitalist class. They also weaken the position of individual workers in relation to the boss. Fig. It tends to create a system of true equality. According to followers of the theory, capitalism created the system of what we know as the privatised, monogamous nuclear family. 4. This benefits society as a whole, not just a particular group. The perspective is overly deterministic and views individuals as too passive. In order to keep this property, they had to find a way to prevent it from being shared with everyone else. A family is a stable unit and institution that keeps society. After all, people who do not have property also choose to live in families (although Engels would argue this is because they are influenced by bourgeois ideology). Feminist theory is a major branch within sociology. Feminists may appreciate the fact that Marxists have recognised how women within the nuclear family are a) treated as the property of men and b) used as means of producing babies so that sons can inherit property. 4 - Bourdieu states that working-class children don't have adequate economic capital which means they cannot benefit from advantages such as enriching school trips. I cant find the author. Have all your study materials in one place. Therefore, Marxism does not accept people believing in unscientific matters, and so people are . Everything you need for your studies in one place. An Integrated Multi-Level Approach. False needs can also include many of the products that people buy out of fear, or in order to make themselves safe, especially if that fear is engineered by the capitalist system in order to keep the population under control (Zaretsky, 2010). Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Feminists argue that Marxists focus too much on social class inequalities whilst disregarding the role of the family in maintaining. Althusser emphasised the ideological functions of the family. Marxist views on Family Marxists see the nuclear family as serving the ruling class (bourgeoisie) as it promotes capitalist values and discourages disagreement and criticism of inequality the way capitalism is organized. 1. Feminists and Marxists say exploitation and inequality exist in many forms and that functionalism failed to acknowledge this meaning its views are outdated, which shows flaws in their approach and is therefore a weakness. This weakness benefits the boss. Companies build demand for their products through targeted advertising to children, who request expensive products from their parents. For decades, the leading philosopher and one of Europe's most famous atheists, Jrgen Habermas has emphasized the need for moral development in the West. For example: Husbands are taught to obey their employers and other authorities. What was the basic principle of Marxist theory? Otherwise, love n affection makes a family strong and becomes a source of a fulfilling life. View this answer. Social capital refers to the access to important or influential contacts or networks. This is just as important for an understanding of Marx as are The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. Marxian economics is a school of economic thought based on of the work of Karl Marx . People can be nurtured, supported, and have their individual needs met by the family. He believed in putting equality of society . Similar to the Marxist belief that institutions such as education, religion, and the media teach people how to behave, the nuclear family is an, structure that teaches its members to accept imbalances of power in. Here are its strengths and weaknesses: 1. Universality is when one group takes power and seeks to justify it on the grounds that it represents "freedom for all.". What are the weaknesses of Marxism? Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the functionalist view on society. No direction home: The American family and the fear of national decline, 1968-1980. As a result, the Marxist perspective does not give a full understanding of the role of the family. Overall weaknesses. There is not much research to suggest that the emergence of capitalism. Cheering for the oppressed proletarian majority has had, and still has, many . teachers, employers and the state. 1. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Fascism. Rather than the modern nuclear family, family tribal groups existed in groups where there were no restrictions on sexual relationships. Family strengths can also be their weaknesses. The family structure builds demand for goods in several ways. The perspective recognises the impact of the family on women and the poor. , especially fathers, to prepare them to submit to authorities e.g. The major weakness of Marxism is that it does not seem to work in the real world. 2 - The nuclear family structure allows for the inheritance of private property, which reproduces social class inequalities. For example, the capitalist system depends on the unpaid labor of mothers who reproduce, feed, and clothe future generations of workers. Feminists argue that gender inequality existed ____ the emergence of capitalism, contrary to Engels' belief. Advantages. Feminist perspectives have based their analysis on Marxist views. The reality is that matter by its very nature is inert and to regard it as living and evolutionary is incorrect. 2 Strengths. Through mass media and advertising, families are influenced to compete through consumption. Feminists argue that the Marxist focus on social class inequalities downplays the role of patriarchy, which is the real source of female oppression. Functionalists argue that Marxists hold an overly negative view of the family. The Marxist perspective ignores family diversity in capitalist society, the nuclear family is no longer the main type of family. Marx's interpretation of human nature begins with human need. The family and change. Marxists explain the ideological role of families in society and suggest reasons people feel strongly about family structures, Marxism offers an explanation of why families first developed in society, Marxism points out the unpleasant aspects of family life and the inequalities of power within the family, Feminist perspectives have based their analysis on Marxist views, Engels doesn't cater for family diversity, Women are now generally in control of their sexuality e.g. both parents support the children. 2. A church may be supportive when you are married but have harsh rules about divorce. 2. Workers who have families are also less likely to rebel against their bosses, such as by going on strike, because the loss of earnings could affect not only them, but also their dependents. Ultimately, however, this arrangement served to reproduce inequality. Answer and Explanation: Become a member to unlock this answer! Assess the strengths and weaknesses of interviews, as a research method. We can read more about Marxist perspectives on the family below. Trust is extremely important. Bertrand, Marie-Andre. The family reproduces the next generation of workers that will be exploited as labour power by the capitalist system. Assessment on Marx's Religious Viewpoints Recounting Class War in Society While depicting a kind of similarity indicating Marx's empathic religious views with that of Hebrew prophets, who brought in protest against religion having said that temple rituals followed by the priests as a means to sought for their own security and individual comfort instead of establishing . Weakness: The functionalist approach is too optimistic. Marxism is a structural conflict perspective. It is contrary to man's real essence. However, this conflict of interests rarely boils over into revolution because institutions such as the family perform the function of ideological control, or convincing the masses that the present unequal system is inevitable, natural and good. Evaluation of the Marxist Theory of the Family. short answer exam practice questions and exemplar answers 3 examples of the 10 mark, outline and explain question. Next, we'll consider French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's views on the family. Marxism is a challenging theory to understand therefore before you read anymore content on the Marxist view of the family it's best if you get a broader understanding of Marxism. children also gain the qualifications . Capitalists/business owners want to keep workers wages down so they can make a profit, but to do so they must also be able to sell the workers goods i.e. Pros of Marxism. Zaretsky believes that the nuclear family has several important functions that benefit the capitalist structure: imparting capitalist ideology, and acting as a unit of consumption. Lenin and philosophy and other essays (B. Brewster, Trans.). Positive. Properties and resources were owned collectively.

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marxist view on family strengths and weaknesses

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